Volz Law Firm, Ltd.

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Volz Law Firm, Ltd. lawyers involved with voter suppression

Volz Law Firm, Ltd. worked on these lawsuits

Name Filed On Court Finalized Result
Kistner v. Simon (Election Contest - Dakota) 11/27/20 State Yes Trump Lost

People are saying

"The substantive and procedural defects in Contestants' Notice of Contest bars this Court from entertaining this proceeding. Contestees' Motions to Dismiss with prejudice are therefore granted in all respects." - Judge Timothy McManus

"To allow Contestants to move forward with this lawsuit alleging irregularities would completely disrupt the foundation and integrity of our election procedures. Time is of the essence to make these complaints." - Judge Timothy McManus

"It was not until Contestants found out that they did not receive the highest number of votes in their respective races (i.e., they lost!) that they challenged the Consent Decree and in turn the nearly 1.9 accepted million mail ballots." - Judge Timothy McManus