Michael D. Dean LLC

(262) 798-8044

Michael D. Dean LLC lawyers involved with voter suppression

Michael D. Dean LLC worked on these lawsuits

Name Filed On Court Finalized Result
Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (Certification) 12/01/20 Federal Yes Trump Lost
Langenhorst v. Pecore (Dem Counties) 11/12/20 Federal Yes Trump Lost

People are saying

"And the plaintiff seems to have made up the 'quote' in his brief that purports to be from [a Wisconsin case]. . . . The court has read [the Wisconsin case] . . . three times and cannot find these words [from plaintiff's quote]." - Chief Judge Pamela Pepper

"The plaintiff wants Donald J. Trump to be certified as the winner of the Wisconsin election as a result of the plaintiff’s vote. But what he asks is for Donald J. Trump to be certified the winner as a result of judicial fiat." - Chief Judge Pamela Pepper

"The court is stymied by the plaintiff's assertion that his interests and injury are identical to that of President Trump . . . If his interest is solely in getting President Trump re-elected, as opposed to having his vote be counted as part of a valid election process, the court is aware of no constitutional provision that gives him the right to have his candidate of choice declared the victor." - Chief Judge Pamela Pepper

"Federal judges do not appoint the president in this country. One wonders why the plaintiffs came to federal court and asked a federal judge to do so." - Chief Judge Pamela Pepper

"[Regarding Plaintiff's motion] There was no indication that the plaintiffs gave notice to the adverse parties of the morning's motion, there was no affidavit filed with the motion, the complaint is not verified and there was no certification from counsel about the efforts made to give notice to the adverse parties or why notice should be required." - Chief Judge Pamela Pepper